Jump to ratings and reviews. Want to read. Shop this series. Rate this book. Market Wizards 1 Borsa Sihirbazlari. Jack D. Borsa Sihirbazlari Zirvedekilerle roportajlar "Borsa Sihirbazlari bugune kadar Wall Street uzerine yazilan en buyuleyici kitaplardan biri. Bu "sihirbazlardan" birkaci benim de arkadasim. Jack Schwarger onlarin calisma yontemlerini cok iyi yakalamis. Zweig, Ph. Sonrasinda ise yonteminizden faydalanmak icin deneyime sahip olmaniz gerekir. Fakat hepsinden zor olani, yapilan analizi paraya cevirmektir. Inanmiyorsaniz bir deneyin. Bu kisiler herseye ayni kararlilikla davranmalarini saglayan inanc ve disiplin. Onlar Wall Street'in kahramanlaridir ve Jack SchwagerM'in kitabi bu karakteri canli bir sekilde hayatimiza tasiyor. Prechter, Jr. Bir et paketleme tesisindeki idari gorevini cebinde 25, varken birakip simdi gunde 2 milyar Dolar degerinde vadeli hazine bonosu alip satan Tom Baldwin! Fonlari bes yil ust uste yuz haneli kazanclar kaydeden Paul Tudor Jones! Loading interface About the author. Schwager 27 books followers. Jack Schwager is a recognized industry expert in futures Best Selling Poker Books hedge funds and the author of a number of widely acclaimed financial books. Previously, Mr. Schwager was a partner in the Fortune Group, a London-based hedge fund advisory firm, which specialized in creating customized hedge fund portfolios for institutional clients. Schwager has written extensively on the futures industry and great traders in all financial markets. He is perhaps best known for his best-selling series of interviews with the greatest hedge fund managers of the last two decades: Market WizardsThe New Market Wizardsand Stock Market Wizards He later revised and expanded this original work into the three-volume series, Schwager on Futures, consisting of Best Selling Poker Books AnalysisTechnical Analysisand Managed Trading Schwager is a frequent seminar speaker and has lectured on a range of analytical topics including the characteristics of great traders, investment fallacies, hedge fund portfolios, managed accounts, technical analysis, and trading system evaluation. Write a Review. Create a free account to discover what your friends think of this book! Community Reviews. Search review text. Displaying 1 - 30 of reviews. Omar Halabieh. As the title indicates this book consists of a series of interviews with some of the best most successful traders in the world. Not only does this book cover a wide variety of trading techniques, it also covers a wide variety of markets as well treasuries, futures, commodities etc. The book also sheds light on the personal traits and characteristics of successful traders. By reading the different interviews one starts to see the commonalities but also the differentiators between them. It is very intriguing to read one very successful trader present opposite techniques than the next trader being interviewed. A must read for any serious investor.
Schwager has written extensively on the futures industry and great traders in all financial markets. Có một sự khác biệt lớn. Jung-Beeman found that the mind was carefully preparing itself for the epiphany; every successful insight was preceded by the same sequence of cortical events. Humor sellers 19, items. Jump to ratings and reviews. Yitik düsler kervani.
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