Red Rock. Uygun info. Season 1. The Hennessys are well respected and the Kielys petty criminals, out to cause David Van Der Weele Poker, or so it seems. Following an attack on Darren Kiely things look set to spiral out of control. She wants revenge on the Hennessys and it looks like she will draft in son Keith to help with her plans. Bridget Kiely remains intent on getting revenge on the Hennessys. After discovering the man they treated is dying; Garda Sharon Cleere and Angela Tyrell must decide whether or not to tell him his daughter has died. A mystery woman causes trouble for Garda Sharon Cleere and Paudge. As they investigate further, they discover something that could land them in hot water. Sexual tension hits Red Rock as Liam tries to keep things professional and business-like with café landlord Patricia Hennessy. Katie lands on her feet with some good news. However problems arise that could ruin her chances. Sharon and Paudge finally solve the mystery of the woman, and they find the culprit of another crime. Sharon begins to piece things together about McGonigle and her worst fears are confirmed. Patricia Hennessy suspects it was Katie Kiely who took the money from the pub and reports her to the Gardaí but when questioned, Katie, is adamant she is not the culprit. As Paudge turns a blind eye, Sharon is uncertain about what to do. Sharon finally confronts Brian with the CCTV footage of him kissing a schoolgirl but David Van Der Weele Poker denies everything. Michael Hennessy puts pressure on his brother David to end his relationship with Katie. David reluctantly agrees and promises to end their love affair. But, will David be able to stay away? Problems continue at the Neptune café and Liam goes to sort things out with Patricia. Meanwhile Sharon and Paudge encounter trouble while on a call out at a flat complex. The two matriarchs finally come face to face in a piercing showdown at the pub and Bridget tells Patricia a few home truths which leaves Patricia reeling. A fire is discovered in the flat and following on from the drama Angela is taken to hospital. Back at the station Sean and Adrijan deal with a woman whose car has been stolen, however all is not as it seems with the woman. Armed with the knowledge that David is away with Katie Kiely, Patricia corners Michael and he has no choice but to start giving answers. David is summoned home to face the music. Brian comes under scrutiny when a serious complaint comes in following a bust up with a local youth, Ollie. Brian is one step ahead though after spotting Ollie in the interview room and covers his tracks with McKay. Sharon spots Brian leaving the café with Rachel Reid and is troubled even more by what she sees. Patricia has had enough of David and demands he end his relationship with Katie Kiely. Brian decides to take matters into his own hands following a serious complaint that has been made against him. Meanwhile David is feeling the pressure from both Katie and his mum, but Katie wins and he starts making plans to run away with his young lover. Rachel meets Brian and tells him what happened leaving Brian furious. Angela realises that there is something up with Conor and tries to talk to him about it. As Sharon and Brian investigate a warehouse, things take dangerous turn for Sharon when she is started on by three thugs. As Brian meets the men in the warehouse. Paudge goes to the see Sharon and she reveals she thinks Brian was behind her attack. Superintendent James McKay comes to see a fragile Sharon in hospital. As Paudge comes to visit Sharon, she tells him of the danger of the situation.
The Battle of Midway. Things go from bad to worse for Brian as his daughter Mel gets wind of the rumours. Conor is forced to explain to Tommy that it was actually Rachel who stole the money from the till to get him off his back. Her outburst has dad Liam more suspicious. Following an attack on Darren Kiely things look set to spiral out of control. Gopal, Tamilselvi; Herron, Sherry S.
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