Customer services and guest convenience were two major points in the selection processsays Novomatic, with the company's solution ultimately chosen for its potential to drive "operational efficiency, profitability and security" for the casinos. The solution, built "on the latest cutting-edge technologies," covers all major areas of a casino gaming operation. The first installation at the Casino Lisboa went live in November after a three-week roll-out that was conducted during ongoing business. The gaming offer at the Casino Lisboa spans across three floorswith video slots and live games comprising Poker, Roulette, Black Jack, Macau Baccarat as well as the typically Portuguese Governor Of Poker 3 Codes game French Bank, next to two restaurants and four bars. The single wallet functionality offers ease of play, an accurate allocation of promotional points and extra loyalty features at the Promo Tower for the guests as well as accounting and player tracking data in real-time for the casino. A special thanks also to our long-time distributor, Diverstock Entertainment, who has been supporting us for more than 20 years in Portugal and has contributed to this hard but successful journey. We want to revolutionize the experience we offer our customers today and for that we need to know them better. We are convinced that with this system, which is much more comprehensive than the previous one, we will be able to achieve our goals. I would like to thank Novomatic's management team for their support throughout the process, and their entire operational team involved in this implementation. I also need to thank Diverstock, Estoril Sol's long-standing partner, for their commitment and support throughout the process. And, last but not least, to the entire Estoril Sol team and consultants that were involved in the project. Together they were all crucial to the success of this implementation. Land Based Casinos. Online Gaming. Sports Betting. Illegal Gambling. Legal News. Horse Racing. United States. United Kingdom. Latin America. Special Issues. Edition : International. Go to Latinoamérica. Go to Brasil. January 24, Latest News. Subscribe to our newsletter. Yogonet International Companies. For Casino Lisboa and Casino Estoril. Reading time min. Related topics:. Leave your comment. Enter your email to receive the latest news. By entering your email address, you agree to Yogonet's Condiciones de uso and Privacy Policies. You understand Yogonet may use your address to send updates and marketing emails. Use the Unsubscribe link in those emails to opt out at any time. Close Register Unsubscribe. Solutions provider.
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