Official websites use. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. This article was submitted to Addictive Disorders, a section of the journal Frontiers in Psychiatry. The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author s and the copyright owner s are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms. The aim of this study is to examine the methodological orientations in game addiction studies in Turkey between and in a holistic way and to present suggestions for new literature studies. For this purpose, only articles written in Turkish language were reviewed on Google Scholar. Open-access quantitative studies between and were included in our study. As a result, 69 out of studies were found to comply with the predetermined criteria. The number of participants in these 69 studies, with a total sample size of 26, varies between 60 and The majority of the studies examine the relationship between academic achievement, familial and social relationship problems, gaming behavior and game addiction in children and adolescents. It was found that gaming addiction was higher in male students compared to female students, especially between the ages of 14— Among children, male students play digital games more than girls, and they mostly prefer action-adventure, war, and racing games. Previous studies have concluded that the use of consoles and smartphones in adolescents and young adults has a high impact on digital game addiction. In the light of the findings, it is suggested that empirical studies on game addiction should be addressed with different aspects using new literature studies. Keywords: game addiction, digital game addiction, internet game addiction, online game addiction, systematic review. While technological devices and the internet are used as a facilitating tool in many aspects of life, their use for games and entertainment has become quite widespread. It is found that digital games, which have users in almost every segment of the society, are widespread especially among young people 1. In this respect, some individuals may lose control over gaming to the Ac Casino Revenue October 2018 that it becomes problematic 2. In the 11th revision of the International Disease Classification ICDgaming disorder is defined as a gaming behavior model characterized by loss of control over gaming 3. These criteria are: 1 Constantly dealing with internet games mentally. In addition, it has been stated that individuals between the ages of 18—23 living in Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia regions have a higher risk Considering the data, an increased risk of game addiction is seen. In this vein, the importance of the study is that gives direction to new research by examining the previous literature on game addiction in Turkey. In this study, it was aimed to examine the variables, methodological trends and analysis methods of digital game addiction studies conducted in Turkey between and July In this context, the questions of our study are determined as follows. What are the variables in digital game addiction studies and what are the variables that are effective and are not effective? The study data were collected only from the research data written in Turkish language. For this reason, no search was made through the Web of Science database. Studies published between and July were examined. Previously, there was a systematic review study on digital game Ac Casino Revenue October 2018 by Şimşek and Yılmaz 15 between and For this reason, it was decided that the date range of our study will cover the period between and After the literature review, a total of open-access articles, papers and thesis studies were found. The thesis and paper studies were not included in the study because they did not undergo Ac Casino Revenue October 2018 double-blind review process. After the procedure, a total of 69 articles were found to comply with the following criteria Figure 1 :. Diagram showing the information flow through the review: the number of records identified, included, and excluded. In systematic analysis, basic information about the study is analyzed in accordance with the purpose of the study All the studies collected were numbered and listed as publication title, sampling type, sample group, sample size, study variables and analysis type with a table on Microsoft Excel. After the listing, the studies to be included were determined by considering the predetermined criteria.
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